Sandhills Marathon

South of Valentine, Nebraska

June 12, 2010

The 4th Annual Sandhills Marathon will take place on June 12 on the Brownlee Road 20 miles south of Valentine, Nebraska. The road itself is a 25.7 mile one lane paved road that cuts through the Sandhill region of Nebraska. The extra half mile is added when runners do a quick out and back into the town of Brownlee. The course has a few rolling hills, but mostly it is in a valley with a 330 ft. decrease in elevation. The road was made for running a marathon!

Runners have the choice of running the half or the full marathon. The half marathon starts when the lead runner crosses the half way mark of the marathon. Each finisher in the marathon receives an engraved spur and half marathon finishers receive an engraved horseshoe. Special awards will be given to the winners both events.

After the race, participants join up at a local steak house for some good Nebraska beef. Many participants take advantage of a canoe or tubing trip down the Niobrara River, one of the top canoeing rivers in the U.S. for cool soak the day after the race.



For additional information, please contact Scott at schwartz262 (at) You can also visit the Blog to learn more about this unique and exciting event.

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